Events and Competitions

M&DPL / Other


Manningtree & District Pool League Events

The following is a list of events which Manningtree & District Pool League are either running or are involved with through affiliation to the SCPA and EPA.


16 October 2000 (Monday)Winter League Starts
30 October 2000 (Monday)Cup Preliminary Round
6 November 2000 (Monday)Cup First Round
27 November 2000 (Monday)Singles First Round
11 December 2000 (Monday)Cup Second Round, Plate First
8 January 2001 (Monday)Doubles First Round
22 January 2001 (Monday)Cup Semi-Final, Plate Quarter-Final
5 February 2001 (Monday)Singles Second Round
26 February 2001 (Monday)Plate Semi-Final
8 March 2001 (Thursday)Ladies Knock-out
19 March 2001 (Monday)Doubles Second Round
2 April 2001 (Monday)Knockout Cup & Plate Finals
23 April 2001 (Monday)Singles & Doubles Finals
30 April 2001 (Monday)Captains Cup & Presentation Night
14 May 2001 (Monday)Summer League Starts


Other Pool Events

Click on the following links to find out about other pool events listed on the SCPA website:-